Deathcare is
intentional support that sees us through our meaningful, albeit disorienting, confusing, and painful good-byes. Deathcare meets us at the crossroads of our lives where we stand alone making a difficult decision and at the thresholds of each developmental stage we exit and enter. Deathcare embraces us in naming and sharing our losses within a shelter of grief and safe containment whether we were the ones leaving or the ones being left behind.
Our culture
often overlooks meaningful and insightful ways of exploring non-death losses and their accompanying grief that portray the truth of the loss, which is a good reason why we have such a hard time with the big one.
Our standard approach nowadays is a receipt in place of the recipes our grandmothers used to prepare for our grieving, re-membering, and tending to the lives lived that continue to touch ours. What most of us have access today are grandmother’s ingredients for just the icing.
Legacy Arts
are likely some of the most important deathcare planning we will consider for those we leave behind.
The creation of your projects will leave lasting and personalized windows through which your people can find you. Imagine the balm this will bring when they need you most, or when they want to introduce you to a new member of your family.
Reach out to me if you are looking for a solid companion who will validate the importance of these projects. Living and dying grants us the power to intentionally leave something of ourselves behind for others. Its best to start these projects when we have the energy to complete them.
Our lives
are not perfect still-life paintings and our ACP, Advanced Directive is not going to make our closing chapter perfect either. The plan is we will decline and eventually die. The how of it is somewhat in our hands. We can shape the process by,
· understanding our care values and aligning our decisions (in present time) with them.
· sharing our defined values with significant others who can assist us in saving the life we want to live.
Advanced Care Planning
is a challenging topic and one that brings up a lot of strong feelings, including grief.
If you are currently navigating an expected death, your own or someone whom you love, I send you biggest kindness.
My role is to act as an experienced sounding board and educator as you explore your options and weigh your important decisions.
I have found that it is essential to take people slowly through their personal healthcare planning and deathcare matters.
I offer small online group workshops, meeting weekly over the course of 6 weeks. I also coach individuals/families 1-1 as need be.
Are you
seeing that these conversations and projects are life-enhancing and life-affirming?